Aching Knees Is It Normal To Have Aching Knees During Pregnancy?

Is it normal to have aching knees during pregnancy? - aching knees

I'm ten weeks and the night began to hurt my knee all the way to his feet. Is this normal?


berdudge... said...

It is a common symptom of pregnancy but is most common in the third quarter, when the hormones are working to smooth the joints so that they deliver the baby through the pelvis. But I will say I'm early in the second quarter, and I am in a common malaise.

Ethans-here-may 15 said...

During pregnancy, you always have all the pain and suffering in the world. My legs hurt all the time. The likelihood that your body reacts to weight gain. His legs Arent accustomed. If that's not all ... Lift your legs, take Tylenol (secure) and call your doc. Wait until last month, you feel like you divided your body. Lol. We hope you feel better and congratulations

stephanie f said...

All the hormonal changes really cause problems in the joints. He had bad knees to begin, and always achieved worse (I'm 37 weeks), I have a heating pad, which so often really helps to Icy Hot. You should ask your doctor if, of course.

Bad Ash said...

Well, I have knee problems during my time and my knees hurt and at night, when it rains. My doctor told me that caused the rise in estrogen joints a week, then maybe the kind of the same reason.

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